Saturday, December 19, 2009

...did I only make one!?

I had to post this so that some of my friends that wanted one can see. The flower lays flat on your head and there are 3 strands on each side and ties in the back. I have been asked to make more :)

Why did I only make one?! Oh I know, I hadn't slept in days and my eyes were failing me. So, I will be making some more before Christmas. Better get to crocheting!


  1. wendy, i love to see how scripture describes characteristics in his children- and you by far are the epitome of proverbs 31:13, I have witnessed you "eagerly work with your hands". Thanks for encouraging women to work with their hands no matter how talented they are. love you.

  2. Wow...seriously? Well I have a ways to go for sure, but that is the sweetest compliment ever! God is good, because as you say, it's awesome to see...but it's awesome to see what He alone has shaped me in and is continuing to shape me in. You are amazing and I can think of so many discriptions that the Lord has molded you to be, they are for sure in the proverbs 31 women and in what love is 1cor 13, and of course your faith in Him and in prayer. You are a rock for many ;)
